Opening Hours
We are open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We operate by appointment only, but will accommodate emergencies as a priority. Please telephone or call in advance to arrange your appointment. You may arrange an appointment for your doctor or nurse of choice (all patients can attend any doctor or nurse), however it may not always be possible to see your chosen doctor/nurse at certain times. In this case, you may wish to see a different doctor or arrange a future appointment with your chosen doctor/nurse.
After Hours Care
Weekdays: Monday – Thursday from 6pm to 9am. Weekends: Friday 6pm – Monday 9am.
In the event of an emergency please telephone the surgery number (095-21224/21225 or 22272) and the number of the doctor on duty will be available on a recorded message. In the event of an emergency you may also contact the National Ambulance Service on 112 or 999.